And for all of those things
you were made to feel you couldn’t do,
I hope you know you are free
to keep traveling through,
trying new things,
finding gold along the way,
knowing that even when you are doubted,
you are growing every day.
These pieces were inspired by a conversation I had with musician @FleurieMusic earlier this year. As I went back and reflected on my conversation with Fleurie, I listened to her album and did something I’ve never done before: Listen to an album from beginning to end and made art from the thoughts and feelings that arose. This was a huge moment for me because as a musician, I tend to overthink music quite a bit. I forget about the ways that music speaks on a deeper level beyond performance. Listening to this album while simultaneously making art really reminded me of how special it is to just sit and listen, and see what comes up.
I learned so much from this experience and you're free to steal this idea if you'd like! Whether you're an artist or you just like to doodle or write down random thoughts, framing a creative session around the span of an album might inspire you in an all-new way. I know it did for me. One of the things Fleurie shared with me was how she writes songs just to write them. Not all songs have to have a "home." I believe this is incredibly important, especially considering the times we are in.
We are still free to make things, just because. We are still free to make things as a way of practicing faithfulness and being present. We don't always have to know what it's "for." We don't have to try to make it all forget together. We are free to breathe deep and just make, no matter what others have said or how we have been made to feel. Thank you @fleuriemusic for this conversation, your music, and for reminding me of these things!
Inspired? You can find the full art here.
-Quotes from Fleurie that inspired this art
-Downloadable versions of all the art inspired by the album
-A podcast version of the piece