Featured Prints

"In the rush of life"  - 8" x 10" Print
"A sense of hopeful aliveness"  - 8" x 10" Print
"Pay Attention to the details"  - 8" x 10" Print
"May you continue to encounter"  - 8" x 10" Print
"Give Energy"  - 8" x 10" Print
"Embrace Each Day"  - 8" x 10" Print
"Bridges Waiting To Be Built"  - 8" x 10" Print
"Breathe"  - 8" x 10" Print
"Give Yourself Permission"  - 8" x 10" Print
"I will continue to bloom" - 8" x 10" Print
"You are free to practice courage" - 8" x 10" Print
"You did not stop growing" - 8" x 10" Print
"Embracing your unique rhythms" - 8" x 10" Print
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"There is more to your story" - 8" x 10" Print
"It was from the darkest place of the instrument" - 8" x 10" Print
"Embrace the pause today" - 8" x 10" Print
"I hope something beautiful happens for you" - 8" x 10" Print
"Keep reaching out toward what is good and beautiful" - 8" x 10" Print
"This is where I will practice courage" - 8" x 10" Print
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"Here's to making room for beautiful ones" - 8" x 10" Print
"You are going to make new memories" - 8" x 10" Print
"Here's to Learning" - 8" x 10" Print (2023)
"It is not too late" - 8" x 10" Print (2023)
"Breathe" - 8" x 10" Print (2023)
"I am continually learning to be grateful" - 8" x 10" Print
"Make Art. Make Time To Listen.. No Matter What Comes Your Way." - 8" x 10" Print
"Audacious Hope" - 8" x 10" Print
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