I know this isn’t everyone’s story and I often feel pressured to write more “happy,” thematic posts this time of year, but as I open stories people have sent to me, I am reminded that so many of us are holding so much right now in this season and I just want you to know you are not forgotten.
I know poetry and art won’t “fix” it, but I just hope you know you are worthy of being seen, understood, loved in this season.
Here’s a letter I emailed out moments ago, along with this art.
Dear ____,
I opened your submission this morning, on Christmas Eve. Considering what you shared with me about this particular time of year, I hope these words and this art can bring peace, and affirm the strength and courage that is already within you during this time. I know this has not been easy for you. and it's especially difficult with so much of this is out of your control.
How miraculous it is
that through it all,
your heart
is slouched toward hope
to create something new
and tell a different story
amidst all that is unknown.
In the moment,
it might not feel like strength
but your ability to be present with joy
is no small thing at all.
Season after season,
you have learned to find hope
in the little things
even without the closure
your heart was longing for.
Amidst everything that the word "Christmas" brings up for you,
may you know this to be true:
through the wild of all that it took just to be here,
Light is still pouring through.
You have been brave,
you have been courageous,
and all along, you have been worthy of love,
even when you were made to feel
you were not enough.
Over these next few days
you are free to breathe deep,
knowing that if the smallest things
remind you of peace
that means something.
There is grace for every moment,
grace for every breath,
even in the parts the story
where you are not sure what to expect.
Take this day by day
reminded of all the subtle ways
Light has continued to find you
amidst all that has changed.
It is okay if "family"
looks different in this season
and you find joy
in new traditions
and peace in the smallest things.
- Morgan