Breathe deep and trust: you have not missed out on what was meant for you. The night may cast a long shadow and you may feel like it will last forever, but no matter how long the night, it will not outrun the hope of dawn. As long as you are breathing, you will know new beginnings. You will know morning, after morning, each a miracle on its own. And you will not be alone. Amidst all of this chaos, there is life all around you, and you are a part of it all. You can still believe in love here, even when it feels impossibly far away. You can still cling to hope even when your doubts have more to say.
When shadows paint themselves
the height of ceilings
amidst everything you are feeling
you still belong on this life
even if you do not know
what true belonging feels like.
You are free to go
on the adventure
of learning what it means to see
that hope is a radical thing
but it is worth it to believe:
your heart is still opening
and you are still growing,
and there is still more ahead of you
no matter the unknowing.
Let go and trust.
Let go and trust.
You have not missed
on what was meant for you.
You are tired and you have been let down,
but soon, morning will abound
and remind you that all along,
there was more
and you have not missed out
on the opportunity
to come alive once again.
Let go and trust
this right here is enough
and it is worth it to believe
there is still
more to come.