Hello Gardeners!
Below, you will find a list of 100 different ways I have filled the pages of my journal over the years. You can go by page-by-page, pick a few, or use these to come up with your own.
- What did you do this past week? - Write a log of everything you remember, going day by day. Look at your phone's camera roll for reference.
- What's on your mind? - Even if you're thinking "I don't know what to write in this journal!" Just write that until something else comes up.
- Doodle first (even if it's scribbles or stick figures) and write words as they come up.
- Fill the page by writing your word-of-the-year over and over. Use markers or colorful pens if you'd like.
- Look through your camera roll and find a photograph you want to remember. Describe it on the page.
- Make a list of things you need to do for the week - even if you have an official list somewhere else, there’s nothing wrong with writing it down again.
- Fill a page with your favorite movie quotes, poems, song lyrics, verses.
- Write a letter to your younger self.
- Write a letter you will never send.
- Write one thought on a line at a time. Perhaps a poem will begin to take shape.
- Go sit outside or by the nearest window and write down 25 things you notice. Use all of your available senses.
- Create a bucket-list of things to do this year, only within a 25-mile radius where you live.
- What’s going on in your life that you want to remember 6 months from now? Write that down.
- What’s going on in your life that you want to remember 5 years from now? Write that down.
- Browse Pinterest and make a list of recipes or DIYs you’d like to try.
- Clip words and photos from magazines and fill the page. It may seem random now, but years from now, you might enjoy looking back to see what caught your attention back then. Here's mine, from way back in the day. It's not dated, but I would assume it's from whatever year the GameBoy Color Advance came out!
- Fill the page with shapes. Circles. Squares. Triangles. Why not? Who says a journal is only for words? ;)
- Draw a portrait of yourself. Stick figures are allowed. It’s your journal!
- Describe 3-5 things you wear all the time. Are they in the closet? In the hamper? In a pile on a chair? This will be fun to look back on years from now!
- Describe the coffee mug/cup you always use. Where is it now? In the cabinet? In the sink? Journaling does not have to “deep.” This another neat thing you can use years from now.
- What’s in your handbag/book bag right now? Write down everything that’s there. These small things change so much over the years, and yet, they remind us: we’re alive.
- Just write a few words that speak to you, write in the center of the page. Sometimes you can let white space fill the page.
- Write “Note to self:” and then see what happens next.
- Write down a few words that speak to you. Leave space in between them. Write what comes to mind for each word. It can be anything. No wrong answers.
- Write in different handwriting styles. All caps. Cursive. Fill the page with as many styles as you can come up with!
- What is one thing you are proud of today?
- What brought you joy throughout your day?
- What questions can you ask yourself about the space you’re in?
- Think about where you live. What is this place teaching you?
- What projects are you looking forward to? What are you excited about creating, trying, exploring this year? Make a list.
- What are some memories that you cherish?
- As you’ve gone through the series this week, what new practice of gratitude do you relate to the most?
- Where in your life has it been the hardest to accept change?
- What are you hoping happens this week?
- Think about your 13-year-old self. What would you say if that version of you was questioning your worth?
- What have you been putting off? How can you give time to that today?
- What’s on your shoulders right now that you can let go of?
- What do you need to remember throughout the day today?
- Is there something bothering you right now even though you feel like it shouldn't?
- How can you extend grace to yourself?
- Close your eyes. Let someone cross your mind. How can you be present to them today?
- What new seeds are you sowing right now? Seeds of hope? Seeds of patience? Literal seeds?
- What lie did you used to believe? What truth has replaced this lie?
- Where (or with whom) in your life do you feel loved, as you are? Write about what that feels like. If nothing comes to mind, describe what you desire to feel when it comes to love.
- What are you hopeful for in your future?
- In what ways have you been in your head this week? What is one step you can take to plant new seeds this week?
- Where have you been struck by awe this week?
- Where are you making space in your life for mystery?
- When was the last time you were positively surprised by something or someone?
- How can you pace yourself today?
- What does it mean to find “meaning” in life?
- How are you learning to make the most of where you are right now?
- What positive changes are happening in your life right now?
- What have you learned about rest over the past year?
- Where are you having to embrace the tension in your life?
- When you hear, “in grace, there is room,“ what does that mean for you today?
- How do you hope to encounter peace today? How do you hope to encounter grace?
- In what area of your life are you learning to be curious?
- Amidst all that is unknown, what are you hoping to learn over the next year?
- When was the last time you made it through a day that in the moment - you were not sure you would make it through?
- What is good and beautiful about today?
- Where are you finding hope today?
- What strength do you feel in this moment?
- What do you need to let go in order to make room for new beginnings?
- Where can you let light in today?
- What are you dreaming about this week?
- How did the pieces of last year make up your story?
- Who are the people that feel easy to talk to in your life?
- Who are the people in your life that make you feel like you can be yourself?
- What do you need room for today?
- What does it mean to ease into flight?
- How can you give yourself permission to take a break today?
- What would it look like for you to pace yourself through your plans?
- On this very day, what does it mean to embrace the possibility of what could be?
- How do you hope to continue to grow this year?
- Say these words to yourself: “I am beautiful.” How does that feel to say?
- How can you contribute in a positive way today?
- What does faithfulness look like today?
- Where are you slowly starting to find clarity in your life?
- What does it mean to exhale during the storm?
- What kind of companionship are you seeking?
- What doors are closing? What doors are opening?
- Does the idea of life as a cycle give you a sense of comfort? Why or why not?
- What does it mean to you to “remain in relentless pursuit of what is good?”
- What are you enjoying reflecting on right now?
- Where in your life are you trying? How can you give yourself grace?
- How can you nurture your creativity and curiosity today?
- Have you ever felt like your past would define you?
- “Remember who you are.” - What does this phrase mean to you?
- What are three beautiful things you discovered last week?
- Take five minutes today to be still in silence. How does stillness feel for you?
- Have you been surprised by hope this week?
- What are the things pulling on your heartstrings today?
- Where have you seen growth in yourself this week?
- What does it mean to rise up with a heart set on generosity?
- What small actions might you take right now that are a part of a larger river?
- What part of your life is growing in the shade right now? What’s growing in the light?
- Have you ever struggled with feeling like you were worthy of joy? Why or why not?
- Make a list: What people, places can and moments make you forget about checking the time? Try to think of at least one for each 3 categories.
- What is your biggest hope for this season? What do you hope to look back with gratitude for what you learned?