My plans keep changing,
but I’ll keep trusting
that perhaps, in these unknowns,
my awareness
of what really matters will grow.
Perhaps, in slowing down,
I will learn to peel back the layers
and find that even here
in the wild of my worry,
my heart is still beating.
Peace will still find me here.
Joy will still find me here.
And maybe I will still grow in courage
despite what I fear.
And maybe, even though this season
does not look how I thought it would,
there is beauty and there is good,
even in the smallest things.
So I will trust and believe:
I have not missed out
on what was meant for me.
I will look back on this season
with gratitude
that I chose to breathe deep
and travel through.
I had to be stronger
than I ever thought I would have to be
but even when I couldn’t see it,
grace was blooming
within me.
I’ve had to change direction on a lot of projects where I was planning on interviewing a few people, taking photos, doing events…the time I would have spent is having to be redirected. And even then, my plans keep changing. But I am learning to be okay.
One small thing is that I started messing around with the Procreate app (I usually use Adobe Sketch). Discovered some new things. Finally got to use these amazing @stefankunz brushes that I have been meaning to use for a while now. I’m so late to the party. Spoiler alert: they are amazing. Thank you, @stefankunz!
And thank you to every one who has been inspiring me and encouraging me in so many different ways in this season. Lately I have been struggling being “positive,” you know? My heart breaks. My mind gets heavy. Making art has been bring a small sense of peace. So let’s keep creating. Creating space to be present. Creating art even if it’s just for fun. Creating moments that remind one another we’re not alone in this. - Morgan
Hello, Miss Morgan
I can not stress how grateful and blessed I am to have found your work. Through out the 2 years that I have been following your artwork, it truly has brought me joy and a sense of reassurance. I can not wait for your new upcoming book! Thank YOU for being YOU! Much love – Alex