Sometimes, it can be very easy to forget the emotional, mental, and physical toll that seasons like this can have on us. Here are some resources for this week. This is not an exhaustive list and we will continue to update. These are a few places to get started. And if you need immediate help for your mental health, there is hope.
Seek Help and Support
For immediate help: A list of free hotlines to call (via TWLOHA)
Therapy for Black Girls Directory
Mental Health Directory for People of Color
Black Female Therapists - A Directory of Therapists
Search for a Counselor (via TWLOHA)
Accounts to Follow
This is a growing list, and it is our hope that you can get this support you need for this time.
You are not alone,
even when it feels that way.
You are worthy of love.
You are worthy of support.
- Morgan Harper Nichols and the Garden24 Team