When you look back on your story may you see the threads of hope that are running wild within it. The way you have kept going when you almost quit. The places you found peace when it didn’t make sense. And you’re still here. You did not give up. Even when you felt like you’re weren’t enough. You’ve said goodbye to a lot of things. Certain zip codes and phone numbers are now fading in your memory. The lies you used to believe are starting to become history. Yes, projects have been left incomplete. Some chapters still don’t have endings. But somehow, through it all, you woke up to another day. And you keep finding little ways to see where the Light gets. You’re radiating joy and letting courage stir up from within. No, you have not traveled through all of this perfectly, exactly like you wanted to, but no one has. But your heart is craving peace and justice and now you know those things overlap and collide. You are longing for freedom. You’re finding hope in the horizon lines.

For now you know that hope is not wishful thinking, but it is audacity to believe: “after every I’ve have been through, there is more ahead of me.”