You are allowed to be excited about a new year and decade. May you never let anything make you feel like just because you’re not where you thought you’d be, that you’re not allowed to hope for more.
Hope is not wishful thinking. Hope is the audacity to believe that after everything you have been through, there is more ahead of you. It’s the courage to trust that as long as you’re still breathing, there will be another sunrise. There will be a chance to rise above every fear that you are somehow not enough. This is hope. And I hope in this new year it is running wild within you. I hope that you can see all of places Light still gets through.
There is a path beneath your feet. And at times you may feel weak and you can’t carry on any longer, but you are still worthy of this journey. You are not stuck in a cycle even if every day feels the same.
And there is no such thing as two identical days. Even the smallest, most seemingly insignificant difference from Wednesday to Thursday is a sign of movement. A sign of hope for going forward.
Breathe deep on this new day. No matter what has or not has changed. You are wrapped in grace that says, “for all of the things that are not figured out yet, if you are still alive, you are not finished yet.” May you never let others’ mountain top experiences make you think there is no more room for you. May you never let others failures make you think it’s not even worth it to try. We all travel through highs and lows. We all have to trust when to hold on and when to let go. And through the wide range of all of our life stories folding in and out of one another, year, over year, we all manage to keep breathing, despite our doubts and fears. This is hope, and it is bold and abundant, and available to you right here.
Special thanks to photographers @thierrymeier and #GabrieleMotter for providing such beautiful photographs on @unsplash that served as inspiration for the first two pieces I shared today!
Thanks everyone for reading, and Happy New Year!